Here to Serve… Not to Judge!

Here to Serve…
Not to Judge!

ORLANDO: 407-800-2000
TAMPA: 813-999-2170

Domestic violence takes many forms, and one of them is rape. Even within a marriage or intimate relationship, rape is illegal throughout the country. If a spouse or partner does not consent to sexual acts or is unable to consent because of alcohol, drug or any other type of impairment, those acts are illegal.

Many people don’t realize that marital rape is illegal. Indeed, it took a long time for the legal system to recognize the concept of marital rape. According to the Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network, no one in this country was convicted of spousal rape until the late 1970s. Changes in the law were made gradually, state by state. By 1993, marital rape was illegal in all states.

Regardless of how you may feel about the concept of marital rape, law enforcement agencies take these accusations seriously. Moreover, rape advocacy groups throughout the country are available to support and help people who say that they are victims of rape, regardless of their relationship with the alleged perpetrator.

Sometimes, when a relationship is on the rocks, people don’t treat each other as kindly as they once did. It’s essential to remember that any type of violence, verbal or sexual abuse or harassment is against the law.

If your spouse or partner decides to take the matter to authorities, you could face serious criminal penalties. If you have been accused of marital rape, it’s essential to take the matter seriously because it is against the law. A Florida criminal defense attorney can provide advice and guidance and help protect your rights in the justice system.

Source:, “Can He Rape Me if We’re Married?,” accessed Feb. 19, 2016