Here to Serve… Not to Judge!

Here to Serve…
Not to Judge!

ORLANDO: 407-800-2000
TAMPA: 813-999-2170

Helping Health Care Professionals Charged With Fraud

At Florida Defense Team, we defend doctors and other medical professionals against charges of health care fraud and insurance fraud. We recognize that these are charges that can end careers. With more than 10 years of experience, we know how to build defense strategies designed to protect the careers of health care professionals and prevent the serious repercussions that accompany convictions for Medicare/Medicaid fraud and other types of health insurance fraud. Our lawyers have worked with medical professionals and medical facilities in Orlando and throughout Florida.

Upcoding And Other Insurance Fraud Allegations

Coding and billing insurance companies for medical services is a very precise art. One mistake could lead to overbilling, which could then lead to charges of insurance fraud. Our attorneys are well-versed in cases involving medical facilities accused of upcoding, or billing for a more expensive service than the one that was actually provided. This is one of the most common forms of health insurance fraud. Other types involve billing for services that were simply not provided or billing for services that were provided, but not required.

These charges may be preceded by an investigation. We encourage health care professionals and medical facilities to get in touch with us as soon as possible, even if no charges have been filed. Getting our lawyers involved in the investigation phase may allow us to better your position and prevent charges from even being filed.

Learn More About Health Care Fraud Defense

We prepare every medical insurance fraud case for trial because we know how much is on the line. We will take an aggressive stance as necessary to protect your rights. Call us at 407-800-2000 or send us an email to find out how we can take action on your behalf. Email requests and questions go directly to one of our lawyers.

We're Here to Help

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Main Office


28 Broadway Avenue Suite 206
Kissimmee, Florida 34741

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