Here to Serve… Not to Judge!

Protecting Your Child From A Conviction

It is every parent’s worst-case scenario.

You get home from work. You were expecting your child to be home, but they are not there. Instead, you get a call from the police; they tell you that you need to come to the station and pick up your child. Your child has been arrested.

Kids make mistakes. They should not have to suffer for those mistakes longer than necessary. No one wants their kids to interact with the law, and being in juvenile detention raises your child’s chances for:

  • Future criminal convictions
  • Dropping out of high school
  • Drug and alcohol abuse

As a parent, you want to protect your child. The best way to protect them is to hire a lawyer.

Our Experience With Juvenile Crimes

Our legal team at Florida Defense Team, has represented Florida families at their most difficult times. We work with juvenile cases involving:

  • Truancy
  • Theft and shoplifting
  • Underage drinking
  • Underage possession and possession of drug paraphernalia
  • Breaking and entering

When you hire an attorney for your child, you want to look for an attorney who will treat your child with respect and who will not shy away from hard truths. Our firm can help you and your family navigate juvenile justice systems. We can help you understand the process and expectations in juvenile court and defend your child if criminal proceedings take place.

Call Our Orlando Office For More Information

The details matter. Speak with our lawyers about your case specifics, and get a full case evaluation. Schedule your appointment online or by dialing our office main phone line at 407-800-2000.

We're Here to Help

Click the button below to contact a member of our team.

Main Office


605 E. Robinson St. Suite 250,
Orlando FL 32801

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