Here to Serve… Not to Judge!

Possession of Drugs vs. Intent to Sell

If you are arrested for possession of drugs, this means that you are alleged to have a controlled substance for your own personal use. You are not being charged with manufacturing, distributing, selling or intending to sell the controlled substance. Controlled...

Drug Trafficking Has Stiff Penalties

Drug trafficking penalties can be harsh, even for first-time offenses. The penalties for drug trafficking will depend on the type of drug and the number of drugs you were charged with. Drugs are classified into Schedule I through Schedule IV. The schedules are...

Effects of Marijuana Charges in Florida

Marijuana, although, one of the more docile street drugs, is still illegal in the state of Florida. While some states have already legalized the use of marijuana, Florida has stuck to their guns. Even the use of marijuana — or “cannabis” as it is described in the...

Can a Drug Charge be Wiped From My Record?

In addition to fines and jail time, the possible repercussions of a drug charge can extend for years into a person’s life. Employers and landlords throughout the United States conduct background checks on job applicants, and a drug charge on your record could limit...