Federal charges, such as credit card fraud, identity theft, and tax fraud are not something one should take lightly. These types of crimes are usually investigated at the federal level before charges are even filed. This means that the investigation was probably very...
When most people think of a jury, they think of a group of people reaching a verdict about someone’s innocence or guilt. While this is true for trial juries, it’s very important to note that this is not the function of a grand jury. Instead, a grand jury is aimed at...
Police investigators in Florida and throughout the country use sophisticated technology to conduct remote searches of people’s computers. These searches are often done without the computer owner’s knowledge. Depending on the circumstances and the law enforcement...
As of Nov. 1, federal drug sentencing reforms from earlier this year went into effect. The changes affect both current federal drug crime prisoners and future offenders. The US Sentencing Commission (USSC) voted in April to reduce sentencing guidelines. In July, the...
If you are being investigated by a federal agency such as the FBI, the DEA or the IRS, then it is crucial that you seek legal counsel as soon as possible. Specifically, it is important to have a criminal defense attorney with experience in federal court. Federal...