Can Police Pull Me Over For No Reason In Florida?
When you are driving around Orlando on your way to work, taking the kids to school, or on your way to a favorite restaurant, the last thing you want to see is a police officer behind you flashing their blue lights. Unfortunately, this means they are pulling you over...
What is Florida’s “Stand Your Ground” Law?
Florida has established a legal mandate known as the Stand Your Ground Law. This legislation gives you the legal authority to stand up to any type of attack or threatening behavior with non-deadly or deadly force, provided if said action will prevent serious bodily...
7 Reasons Why You Need to Hire a Criminal Defense Lawyer
Criminal defense attorneys are a powerhouse of resources. They are capable of providing expertise and guidance during a difficult time following an arrest. Even if your case seems straightforward, there are many consequences that can arise if you do not have an...
What is Aggravated Battery?
An aggravated battery charge is incredibly serious. It carries with it harsh penalties and consequences that extend beyond the time served. In order to best understand what you may be facing with an aggravated battery charge, it is best to break down what aggravated...