Here to Serve… Not to Judge!

What is the Penalty for First Time DUI in Florida?

What is the Penalty for First Time DUI in Florida?

As a DUI attorney in Orlando, Florida Defense Team knows how shocking it can be to be a first-time DUI offender. With the multitude of penalties judges can impose, it is critical to be informed and speak to a professional. The right attorney can save you from the most...
What Happens if Someone Falsely Accuses You of a Crime?

What Happens if Someone Falsely Accuses You of a Crime?

“I Really Didn’t Do It” – Wrongfully accused – I’m NOT GUILTY Many cynical prosecutors claim that everyone says this, but the reality is people are charged with a crime they did not commit more often than you can imagine.  People are falsely accused and that can...
When is Self-Defense Justified in Florida?

When is Self-Defense Justified in Florida?

In the state of Florida, there are certain situations when a person can use force to defend themselves. This is generally known as self-defense and is lawful when used in order to avoid the consequences of another illegal, violent act. It’s important to understand the...